Evernote + postach.io = the easiest and most fun way to publish a blog


If you use Evernote and looking for an easy way to publish a blog, you’re in luck: postach.io is here.

Postach.io is a new web service that connects to one of your Evernote notebooks, and publishes each note as a blog post.

What’s more, it enables you to automatically share any post you publish straight to Facebook and Twitter without any hustle (more social networks will be integrated in the future).

Setting up a postach.io is easy. You signup to the service, choose a name for your blog (to which .postach.io will be attached) and connect postach.io to your Evernote notebook which will hold the blog articles.

If you don’t have an Evernote account you can set one up for free very easily

You then get a set of tags to use in your notes/articles which instruct postach.io to do things with the post. For example a “published” tag will immediately publish the article, an “fb” tag will automatically share to Facebook, “tweet” will, well.. twit the article on Twitter, “page” will add this as a static page under a header menu on your blog, for say an “about me” page and so on.
Any other tag that postach.io doesn’t understand will just be a tag/category for grouping related articles.

Postach.io provides integration with Google Analytics, Disqus for visitor comments and feedback, a set of built in themes, support for markdown for formatting your text and the option to customize your theme if your willing to delve into its code. And more.

All in all it’s very simple to setup and use, and that’s its strong selling point. I was impressed at how fast the posts appeared on both the blog itself and on Facebook/Twitter from the moment I synced my Evernote notebook. It was literally seconds.

I had the opportunity to have a quick chat with Postach.io’s Marketing Manager, Caleb McIntyre and from what I gathered they have plans to bring more useful features and functionality into the product, while at the same time maintaining its simplicity and ease of use.

Postach.io is a freemium service, first blog for a single user is free, you then get unlimited sites and authors for $5 a month or $50 a year.

You can have a look at what I’ve published as my first postach.io blog by visiting Gear, Gadgets and Garments.

Watch this instoductory Youtube video and then go give it a try.


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