iPhone apps που [ακομα] μου λείπουν απο το Android

I’ve been using Android for over a year now.
At first I was very reluctant, almost worried that I wouldn’t be able to replace my iPhone with it, because of my dependency on particular iOS apps.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and at this moment, my only favourite  apps that  remain “iOS-only” are:

  1. Toodledo official client
  2. TV show tracker
  3. Instagram
  4. Homebudget
  5. Airvideo – there’s Emit for Andoid but it’s not as stable or as polished

That’s about it!

For everything else I wanna be able to do on a smartphone, my Samsung Galaxy S2 with Android 2.3 does the job just as well if not better than an iPhone.

To name but a few of my favourite Android apps:

  1. Evernote – for notetaking and sync to the cloud
  2. Facebook official client
  3. Feedly – beautiful RSS reader
  4. Twitter official client
  5. GroceryGadget – shopping list on steroids, with barcode scanning, cloud syncing etc.
  6. Navigon or Aura for GPS navigation – both equally good
  7. Whatsapp
  8. ReaditLater
  9. FoursquareForecast
  10. Runtastic
  11. Getglue
  12. Google Docs, Dropbox, Sugarsync, Syncplicity, Crashplan all official clients for my data and docs in the cloud
  13. and the amazingly beautiful Google Currents news reader / magazine
  14. plus numerous photo tools and gallery apps
  15. plus numerous music organizing and discovery / sharing apps.

Android totally rocks!

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