I’ve been using Android for over a year now.
At first I was very reluctant, almost worried that I wouldn’t be able to replace my iPhone with it, because of my dependency on particular iOS apps.
A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and at this moment, my only favourite apps that remain “iOS-only” are:
- Toodledo official client
- TV show tracker
- Homebudget
- Airvideo – there’s Emit for Andoid but it’s not as stable or as polished
That’s about it!
For everything else I wanna be able to do on a smartphone, my Samsung Galaxy S2 with Android 2.3 does the job just as well if not better than an iPhone.
To name but a few of my favourite Android apps:
- Evernote – for notetaking and sync to the cloud
- Facebook official client
- Feedly – beautiful RSS reader
- Twitter official client
- GroceryGadget – shopping list on steroids, with barcode scanning, cloud syncing etc.
- Navigon or Aura for GPS navigation – both equally good
- ReaditLater
- Foursquare – Forecast
- Runtastic
- Getglue
- Google Docs, Dropbox, Sugarsync, Syncplicity, Crashplan all official clients for my data and docs in the cloud
- and the amazingly beautiful Google Currents news reader / magazine
- plus numerous photo tools and gallery apps
- plus numerous music organizing and discovery / sharing apps.
Android totally rocks!